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Curvilinear Abstractions

Going Forward and Not Looking Back

Going Forward and Not Looking Back

Partly Cloudy (45" x 45")  sold

Partly Cloudy (45" x 45") sold

Juggled (54"x 54")

Juggled (54"x 54")

Spirited Unrest (sold)

Spirited Unrest (sold)

Safe Passage (Sold)

Safe Passage (Sold)

Safe Passage detail

Safe Passage detail

Caboodle (58" x 58")

Caboodle (58" x 58")

Making Mischief (sold)

Making Mischief (sold)

Counting the Days   (sold)

Counting the Days (sold)

Round Trip (75"x75")  sold

Round Trip (75"x75") sold

Revolution  (45"x45")  sold

Revolution (45"x45") sold

Jazz  (24 x 20)

Jazz (24 x 20)

I Heard You I (approx. 45"x45")

I Heard You I (approx. 45"x45")

I Heard You II (approx. 45"x45")

I Heard You II (approx. 45"x45")

Band Together (sold)

Band Together (sold)

Cycling (sold)

Cycling (sold)

Circulation (sold)

Circulation (sold)

In the Ball Park (sold)

In the Ball Park (sold)

Red Rover (sold)

Red Rover (sold)

It's Complicated (sold)

It's Complicated (sold)

Six Square (sold)

Six Square (sold)

Bull's Eye (sold)

Bull's Eye (sold)

Leaf (sold)

Leaf (sold)

Hinge NFS

Hinge NFS

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